Launching of Lucky Draw on xWIN Finance with Chainlink VRF Integration
xWIN Team’s Motivation for Lucky Draw
1. A simple and convenient feature for users. Those who wants to participate in the Lucky Draw don’t need to buy tickets.
2. What participants need to do:
- Stake XWIN — BNB LP token into xWIN Farm; OR
- Stake XWIN token into xWIN Farm
3. Our intention is to encourage more users to support us, attracting more new users while creating more benefits for our current users.
How to participate in xWIN Free Lucky Draw
It’s free and simple, as long as you meet EITHER of the following criteria with your wallet:
· Stake at least 5 XWIN — BNB LP token in xWIN Farm OR
· Stake at least 400 XWIN tokens in xWIN Farm
Then, click on “Register for Lucky Draw” button and sign the transaction. You only need to register your wallet once.
Do I have to register for each round of lucky draw?
No. Once you’ve registered, that’s it.
How frequent does the lucky draw take place?
Once a week but it runs randomly on each week. So the lucky draw can fall on any day of the week for each round.
How is the random number picked in the smart contract?
xWIN lucky draw integrated Chainlink VRF to generate the random number on-chain. The numbers are totally random without any interference from any third parties.
How many winners for each round of lucky draw?
The algorithm will pick 3 winners each time.
What is the prize?
Winners will get XWIN tokens which is divided equally among the 3 winners. The quantity of XWIN token is varied based on the accumulation from the xWIN protocol pools from the last drawn to the next round of the draw.
Is there any fee?
No fee. 10% of the prizes won by the users will be deducted and burned accordingly.
Important note:
· If the staked token is less than requirement, the user will not be qualified for joining a round of lucky draw. So during the lucky draw, if a user is selected but the staked token is less than requirement, he will not get the prize token.
· Therefore, participants need to maintain the required amount of staked token to be qualified for lucky draw each week.
xWIN Team.