[New Product] xWIN USDT/BUSD Fixed Rate Staking Protocol

3 min readSep 12, 2021



Fixed rate product is one of the important strategies DEFI vault in xWIN Finance. It integrated with xWIN protocol as well as other third-party protocol such as Pancakeswap and Auto farming to gain better yields to pay off users.

Main points:
- Plan
- Staking plans and APRs
- Duration
- Maximum Limit
- Fixed Rate APR in USDT
- Floating Rate APR in $XWIN
- [2.5%] of $XWIN To be Burned
- Entry fee
- How to stake?
- How to unstake?


The protocol supported different plans with different duration, maximum limit, fixed rate APR and xWIN APR. Once the limit reach user can wait for the next phase launched. The plans introduced are as follow.

Staking Plans and APRs


The USDT staked under the protocol will be locked in a certain period. The period is measured with blocks with the measurement of 28,750 blocks as one day. User will not be able to withdraw the staked balance during the staking period.

Maximum Limit

Each phase will be configured to a maximum amount that user can deposit. For example, the Fixed 30 plan of the staking will be limited to $500,000 USDT. Once it is sold out user must wait for the next phase or choose other plans.

Fixed Rate APR in USDT

We will provide a fixed rate APR that returns in USDT token. It means the USDT staking will increase the balance of your USDT. The APR % shown in the UI is annual base. The interest is calculated based on every 28,750 blocks as one day interest.

For example, user A staked USDT from blocks 100,000.

  1. When blocks reach 128,750, It will be considered as one day interest.
  2. If blocks reach 138,750, It will still be considered as one day interest until the blocks reach 157,500 to be considered as 2 days interest.

Floating Rate APR in $XWIN

While users can enjoy earning USDT fixed interest rate, user can earn APR from xWIN farming as well. Unlike previous method in xWIN farming, the protocol is built with auto staking in xWIN farm. xWIN farming will be evaluated based on each block. $XWIN token will be return to user after it is unlocked.

2.5% of $XWIN To be Burned

The proceeds of APR earned from XWIN farming will be burned. This is to encourage the deflation of XWIN token going forward.

Entry Fee

The protocol charge entry fee during the deposit process. 0.20% will be deducted as fee for the staking. No exit fee though.

How to Stake?

Once you select the phase you want to stake, click Enable to enable the smart contract to stake. Once it is approved, input the USDT amount you want to stake. Sign the transaction.

** Once you staked your USDT you are not able to increase the stake until it is expired a.k.a unlocked.

Screenshot of USDT fixed rate staking vault

Where to see the interest earned?

  1. Earned USDT (Per 28,750 blocks) — This is the column you can see your daily interest (every 28,750 blocks) accumulated
  2. Earned XWIN (Per block) — This is the column you can see XWIN token earned per each block

How to UnStake?

You can’t unstake your USDT if it is still locked. The button will be disabled. Once it passes the locked period you can withdraw all. No partial withdrawal.

xWIN Team.




Written by xWIN.Finance

xWIN is an innovative platform that empowers fund managers to establish and manage their funds, providing investors with access to investment opportunities.

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