The Three Musketeers Crypto Fund ($77.6K) has been established at xWIN.Finance
A fund named “The Three Musketeers Fund” has been established on the platform. This fund has a total asset under management of $77.6K. The fund’s composition is as follows:
WBNB: 20.00%
xETH-V: 35.00%
xBTC-V: 45.00%
Here are some key features of this fund:
Allocation Based on Dominance Rate and Future Potential:
The fund allocates its assets by considering the current market dominance rate and also factoring in the potential for future growth.
Pursuit of Interest Generation:
Regarding ETH (Bep20) and xBTC (Bep20), the fund not only holds these assets but also employs strategies to generate interest from them.
Allocation Adjustment:
Investors can adjust the allocation percentages according to their risk tolerance by using the adjustment button, allowing them to customize their asset distribution.
“The Three Musketeers Fund” operates as a private vault, meaning it’s not publicly accessible. However, individual investors can create their own version of the fund using the robo-advisory feature (fund creation feature).