Hello everyone, this is xWIN Community Support team. I would like to introduce you to xWIN’s Liquidity Pool, ApeSwap’s LP (XWIN-BNB). This LP is currently the №1 APR on the xWIN Finance platform, and is the highest priority Farming Pool.
Why is ApeSwap’s LP the most preferential?
We believe ApeSwap is very legitimated run. I have had several meetings and the person in charge is very very smart. I assume that he/she is probably from a well-known financial industry background. As a DEX, they rank high in trading volume and TVL, and are available cross-chain with the BNB chain and Polygon.
The review process for xWIN was also tough, but we are finally ready to collaborate. As a preparatory step for that collaboration, we are able to offer ApeSwap’s LPs with favorable APR on xWIN Finance. We hope that everyone will take this opportunity to use ApeSwap’s LP (XWIN-BNB).
When is the collaboration? What are its contents?
It has not been finalized yet. It will likely be a few weeks or a month from now. More details will be announced at a later date.
How do we set up an LP (XWIN-BNB) for ApeSwap?
1)Connect your wallet to ApeSwap
2) Click on Exchange on the navigation bar and open the Liquidity tab on the Exchange page.
3) Click on “Add Liquidity”.
4) Click on the token icon/name in the first token row to start the token search. Select BNB for this time.
5) Click on the token icon/name in the second token row to start the token search.
6) Select the token in the second half of the liquidity pair. Search for the token name or contract address
“ 0xd88ca08d8eec1e9e09562213ae83a7853ebb5d28 ”.
7) Enter the quantity of tokens on one line. The other line will be automatically calculated so that the amount of the pair is the same.
8) Click Add Liquidity to validate the transaction in the wallet.
What are the amounts for other LPs?
July 20, 2022 at 12:00 UTC
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