What is xWIN Robo Advisor?
What is xWIN Robo Advisor?
The objective of this xWIN Robo Advisor is to allow individual investors or fund managers to create their own decentralized fund based on various market factors or personal risk parameters. xWIN Robo Advisor is built with an in-house optimizer engine, which allows investors to create the optimal portfolio through mean-variance efficient or weighted average Sharpe Ratio.
Mean Variance Optimization
Mean-variance analysis is a method used to determine the optimal allocation of assets in a portfolio using the factors provided including risk tolerance and age. Mean-variance analysis helps investors create the optimal combination of assets by maximizing the expected returns for a given level of risk
Weighted-Average Sharpe Ratio
The approach will first allocate the major allocation into stable coin staking asset based on the risk tolerances as parameter. Finally, the remaining weights will be allocated based on the Sharpe ratio weight of each risky token.