xWIN in Polygon Now
As part of the effort in xWIN Finance, the team is now getting ready to have xWIN token in Polygon network. The team has been working with Multichain on creating the bridge between native chain BNB smart chain to Polygon.
How to swap BNB chain xWIN to Polygon xWIN token?
It’s easy and thanks to Multichain team on helping us to support it. Now, you can simply go to the following link: https://app.multichain.org/#/router
- Make sure you are in BNB Mainnet wallet and connected
- In the FROM, select XWIN from the drop down.
- Automatically it default it to xWIN Polygon
- Input the amount to swap. Please note the minimum swap is 3.8 XWIN and maximum is 3.8mil. Multichain charge 0.00% fee when you bridge from BSC to Polygon. But beware the fee applied when you swap it back from Polygon to BSC.
- Click Swap and wait for the process done.
What DEX is Supported
Liquidity pool has been already created in QuickSwap. Even though the liquidity is low compared to BSC DEX but going forward the team will make every effort in increasing the liquidity in Polygon.
See Liquidity Pool in QuickSwap
Expansion of xWIN Ecosystem
Along with the expansion, xWIN Tech team is making progress in bring the Toppy NFT marketplace and xWIN Finance into Polygon. Detail will be announced separately.
xWIN Token Address
Polygon: 0x6CD6CB131764c704bA9167C29930Fbdc38901aB7
BSC: 0xd88ca08d8eec1E9E09562213Ae83A7853ebB5d28
Visit now!
xWIN Finance: https://xwin.finance
Toppy NFT Marketplace: https://toppy.market